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digital SAT vocab + quizzes
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digital SAT algebra question walkthroughs
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Studying for the digital SAT exam?
We have three new study guides / workbooks available!
The LearnCurious Companion SAT prep books:
- Algebra Skills: https://amzn.to/3VgVmRg
- Verbal: https://amzn.to/3X20ji9
- Geometry & Trigonometry: https://amzn.to/4bVHsc0
*These are our affiliate marketing links. As the author of the books and as Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases.
Upcoming release: The Problem Solving & Data Analysis (PSDA) LearnCurious Companion SAT Workbook. All you need to know to solve PSDA questions on the digital SAT test. Coming in October!
Application Organization:
commonapp.com - the application most colleges accept
landscape.com - regional SAT/ACT score comparison
naviance.com - app info portal for college admissions requirements and submission progress
Essays & Personal Statements:
Brainstorming Exercise by
learncurious.com (downloadable PDF)
Test Prep Strategies
Quick Daily Practice:
albert.io - AP test prep
anki.com & quizlet.com - flash card deck builders & review games
collegeboard.com - AP, SAT, & PSAT prep & downloadable full practice tests
desmos.com - free online graphing calculator software (built in for use on the digital SAT)
freerice.com - philanthropic multi-subject game site
khanacademy.com - subject-specific video tutorials
desmos.com - free online graphing calculator software (built in for use on the digital SAT)
idroo.com - free, interactice, infinite whiteboard space
learncurious.com - test prep tutoring online
mathway.com - solves algebra & calculus problems
English grammar, punctuation, & style:
The LearnCurious Companion to the Digital SAT: Verbal
grammarly.com & hemingwayapp.com - powerful, free copy/paste text editors
libreoffice.com - free Office software suite similar to Word, Excel, etc.
"Must-Know Punctuation Rules" LearnCurious blog post complete with grammar memes and optional test prep tutoring online
Reading Comprehension:
The LearnCurious Companion to the Digital SAT: Verbal - practice passages, questions, & strategy info
- free online library
spreeder.com - learn to read faster with no inner voice
Personal Development
Accountability & Habit-Formation:
beeminder.com, coach.me, & stikk.com, - commitment assistant apps
sleepyti.me - sleep app that helps you wake up refreshed
recuva.com - never lose documents again
Musical Intelligence:
musescore.com - online composition app
justinguitar.com - teach yourself guitar